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18 September 2018

Update of my BuJo

After using Bullet Journal (BuJo) for about one month, I'm actually enjoying the process.
Honestly speaking, I did not follow the how BuJo should be, but rather, I created my own way of recordings that suit my needs.

After getting used to BuJo, I find it uncomfortable to write with my Life Journal at the bottom. As my Life Journal got fatter by the days, it actually take up more space in my Blue Traveler's Notebook (TN). So i removed the Life Journal and shifted it to my brown TN; and now, there only one booklet inside my Blue TN.

6 September 2018

Uni Jetstream 101, a smooth ballpoint pen.

Hey, I am back again to talk about pen!!

Today, I want to share about this smooth writing ballpoint pen (pens actually, I got a pack of them) that I received during one of my farewell gatherings.

The pen which I am using my notes taking at home is the Uni Jetstream 101 (model number: SXN-101FL-07).