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1 July 2018

How I use Field Notes Utility Ledger to record my expenses.

As you can read from my previous post (Field Notes Utility Ledger, my expenses log), I started using the Utility Ledge edition in April 2018.

It was a struggle at first. trying to get use to the format of the notebook.
But after a month of using it, I grew to like it and really enjoy the process of updating my expenses. 

Basically, I have four areas for recording of my expenses:
1) Monthly expenses; 2) Transportation;
3) Household; &
4) Credit card bills.

Here are the fields that I need for my 
No. : allows me to know how many items I spent on for that particular area.
Date: allows me to know the date of the spending.
Item: the thing(s) I spent on.
Amount: the amount for the spending.
Balance: how much I left for the rest of the month for that particular area.

Additional column. 
The format of the page doesn't have sufficient columns for me to fill the necessary fields, therefore, I have to add an additional column to the page (column size: 2cm).

The Preferred Pen. 
As the space in between the columns is small, especially on the last column, it is hard for me to write with a normal ballpoint pen. Therefore, the Traveler's Company brass pen (as you can see in the photos) is my best choice. 

I am very satisfied with how this Utility Ledger works for me and I have bought additional 2 packs for my future use. 

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